Please tell me this is a joke…

April 26, 2008 at 1:26 am 2 comments

It’s my day off and I’ve gotten nothing done.  In my perusal of the usual internet ramblings, I came across this article on Slate.  

This must be a joke.  Honestly, if the scenario the author outlines should actually happen, I fear we wouldn’t need to worry about whether McCain is RE-ELECTABLE in 2012.  We would need to worry about whether there was a country left to have an election in.  This country, my homeland, has become something that I’m not terribly proud of.  And with a McCain presidency it is destined to become much worse.   Already with the gas prices shooting skyward on a daily basis, food costs have gone up and truckers are balking at making a trip that sometimes COSTS them money rather than earns them a paycheck.  I can’t blame them.  Now there is the Rice Panic of 2008 and Hillary Clinton talking about annihilating Iran as though it were as simple as doing a load of laundry.  The currency is practically laughable and soon I figure it will be like the peso in Mexico.  This is not the future I dreamed of as a child.  This is not my country any more.

Barack Obama cannot drop out of this race.  He is our hope for the future.  I just hope he realizes that.

Entry filed under: Politics.

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. William  |  April 26, 2008 at 10:34 am

    It’s not the future I dreamed of either. And I don’t know what to say. I keep trying to remind myself that McCain was a large force behind the thawing of US-Vietnamese relations and I like to believe that that is proof that he isn’t all bad, but I’m not as naive as I used to be.

    I’m too tired to have faith in anything tonight.

  • 2. William  |  April 26, 2008 at 11:04 am

    I couldn’t find the link on your post so I went to Slate and tracked it down, and you’re right, it’s disgusting. I thought when I graduated from high school nonsense like that would no longer afflict my life. Boy, was I ever wrong. Philip K. Dick once wrote a novel (“VALIS”) whose tag-line, so to speak, was “The Roman Empire never ended.” It turns out he was wrong; it’s high school that never ended.


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